On the very onset, I would like to apologize to the physics enthusiasts out there who still dream of unifying Quantum Mechanics with Gravitational phenomenon.

When you think about underlying motives and goals of varying products and developments in the Tech Industry, there appears a simple, sofisticated pattern. Over the last few decades, appliances (not merely restricted to smart devices) have a tendency of becoming smaller, more power efficient, and offering a wider range of services. But what exactly is the end goal? What does modern day technology hope to achieve (apart from the very lucrative profits) ?

Technology in and of itself is simply appliances and devices that tend to make our lives easier, more convenient. Having established the general objective of technology in its entirety, it is crucial to note the path manufacturers and developers take to achieve said goal.

In an interview with Apple’s marketing director, a Grand Theory of Apple was stated. The basic idea was to gradually reduce and eliminate the need for bigger devices and make say, the Apple Watch capable of a Mac. This movement towards smaller, more compact devices has another very crucial characteristic to it. The wearable nature of small devices like the Apple Watch itself.

Another trend to note would be the reduction in sales of smartphones. Due to the increase in efficiency of devices and their hardware, coupled with the rising prices of a new smart phone most people would rather spend a significant amount on a flagship level phone and then hold on to it for at least 3 years. Now this doesn’t mean an eventual halt in the smart phone market, but rather a metamorphosis of the same. While smartphone sales may have taken a hit in 2018 – 19, Samsung reportedly saw a tremendous increase in its Watch sales last year.

All this is a clear indication of the direction the current Tech Market is headed towards. Wearable devices would probably be the future of modern day computing. And, maybe someday you could hook up your smart watch with that bezel-less curved display to an external GPU, daisy-chain it to a monitor and some peripherals and edit on Final Cut Pro or code another Artificial Intelligence to do your tasks.

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels