Too much of anything is dangerous. Be it that extra double chocolate cookie or those seven more Brussel sprouts that your mom forces you to eat. Checkmate huh?

Keeping aside those nuances of your dinner, let’s talk about the Great Liberalism Paradox. Conventional education has led us to strong beliefs of tolerance towards all of humanity and even animals. This ideology seems morally correct at first glance, but we have just begun to understand its extended repercussions.

Hear me out here, as tolerance towards various social groups increases there is a strictly decreasing trend in restrictions per se. The more tolerant society becomes, the more freely people can express all kinds of thoughts and ideas. Sure this sounds great, but it means that the negative or hurtful ideas will spread as easily as the positive ones. But wait, that’s illegal?

We want people to equivocate their opinions, we want to hear thoughts and create a more inclusive society. But simply having more tolerance isn’t the way. A filter needs to exist which filters morally unacceptable propaganda. Then again, what may be morally correct to one could be morally flawed to another.

What motivated me to write this post today is a simple headline that reads, “Google has removed an app that advised people on “recovery from same-sex attraction” from its download store after one of the United States’ top LGBT+ charities suspended the tech company from a gay and transgender rights ranking.

An issue or movement like LGBTQ+ is certainly not globally accepted, which stance is morally correct, therefore, needs to be decided by either authorities or the global community. Neither of which come at a conclusion. I do seem to be raising more questions than I can answer.

Here’s the deal. Believe it or not, the world has become increasingly sensitive to words, propaganda, and opinions. It isn’t possible to act freely without having to concern yourself with being politically correct. Our current predicament necessitates that we take a step back. An optimum level of tolerance would be one where we are concerned about society but do not tolerate extremist ideologies.